Adlet KulakhmetAdlet came to know Wesley and Sterling though his wife, Altyn. Although they are both native Kazakhs, they met in downtown Orlando of all places. Adlet fit right in with the Hutchinson family and became fast friends with both Sterling and Wesley. When Altyn and Adlet got married, Wesley was included in the Kazakh wedding as Adlet's 'best friend' aka best man. Adlet is an entrepreneur and has most recently been working with the U.N. on the transparency of the Kazakh justice (Adlet) system.
Altyn Kuanyshbayeva Although she started out as just an exchange student, after five years living with the Hutchinson family, Altyn became a sister to Sterling. In fact, Sterling has visited Altyn in Kazakstan to learn about Kazakh culture and to meet all of the important people in Altyn's life. Altyn has been waiting for years for Wesley and Sterling to get married, so she is certainly excited the time has finally come. After getting her bachelor's in international business at UCF, Altyn moved back to Kazkahstan and got married and recently gave birth to a precious little girl, Adelya! She is currently living in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan and is busy being a new mother.
Caleb DavisTwo years ago, Caleb and Wesley had never met. Caleb was actually a fellow high school student of Sterling's from Winter Park. He was attending the University of Memphis when Sterling decided to go to grad school there. Knowing this, Sterl decided she'd contact him and see if we should all hang out. It turned out that Caleb was a pretty big fan of Sci-Fi, zombies, and most importantly video games. Throughout the hundreds of hours Wes and Caleb spent playing video games (notably Borderlands), they got to know each other pretty well and became very good friends. Caleb is currently in charge of resident life at Christian Brothers University and plans to attend med school in the near future.
Elizabeth Twachtman It's been pretty much set that Beth would be Sterling's maid of honor ever since they were little! Beth is Sterling's cousin and they grew up together in Winter Park. Everyday when Sterling got home from school she would go over to spend time with Beth until she was called home (usually more than once) for dinner. Because Sterling was the youngest cousin, Beth was responsible for introducing Sterling to Star Wars and Indiana Jones. Beth aka Liz is now livin' the dream in New York City working for Sitter's Studio while writing children's books in her spare time.
Emily Klehm Emily is Wesley's big sister. She always wondered who would possibly be the perfect match for her nerdy little brother. When they were kids, Emily even made Wes marry a barbie, just in case he couldn't find anyone else but, time and time again, Emily has remarked that he finally found her. Emily works as the executive director of the South Suburban Humane Society. In fact, Emily gave Sterling her cat, Amadeus Norway.
Jeremy TwachtmanJeremy is Sterling's cousin. Wesley met him in 2006/7. Wes and Jeremy hit it off because of one thing: Star Wars. I bet the both of them could sit and play star wars trivial pursuit for the rest of their lives if given the opportunity. Jer currently works with his wife at Team Effort, a Christian youth leadership camp organization.
Kaitlyn SappKaitlyn met Wesley ten years ago, shortly after she was born and they hit it off right away. Well, after she learned to speak, of course. Kaitlyn is currently in the 5th grade and she enjoys gymnastics and softball (and NOT math!). At family gatherings Kaitlyn always calls dibs on sitting next to Wesley and Sterling, so they get to spend a lot of time together. Kaitlyn will be a junior bridesmaid at the wedding.
Kevin HurtWay back in 6th grade, Kevin was part of the group of kids from Forrest IL to go to Chatsworth Elementary. He was in Wesley's class and had a fair bit in common with Wes. He liked Star Wars, video games (seeing a trend here?), and other boy things. They've been friends ever since and Wesley was Kevin's best man at his wedding. Kevin now works as a guard at the nuclear power plant, which is sort of like a real life video game. He and his wife, Sara keep busy by raising their son, Jude.
Nicole DavisNicole and Sterling have known each other since middle school, but they were never really friends. You see, Nicole was in sixth grade and Sterling was in seventh, Nicole played the cello and Sterling played the violin, they just never thought it would work out. Sure, they were always cordial but after Sterling went off to college they never spoke again. That is, until Sterling decided to move to Memphis where Caleb Davis was living. She called him up upon her arrival and Caleb and Wesley hit it off. As you may have guessed, Nicole married Caleb shortly thereafter and also moved to Memphis. Nicole currently works for the Memphis Symphony Orchestra as a Patron Engagement Manager (no, I don't know what that means).
Polina GubnitskaiaSterling has known Polina since third grade and they've remained friends this whole time. Polina and Sterling went through many trials and tribulations together from the halls of Lakemont Elementary School to the challenges of moving away from Winter Park. Sterling and Polina have maintained their relationship via many many phone calls. In addition, they visit each other every time they are both at home, and have on occasion traveled to visit each other in their new homes. Polina currently is living in Montreal and is busy studying piano performance and speaking french.
Rob Sapp Rob came to know Wesley by marrying his cousin, Tracy (Wes's cousin, not Rob's cousin). Over the past many years and through many family events Rob and Wes became good friends. Typically they would end up joking around or talking about technology. One Easter, they even made a Crocodile Hunter type video about wild marshmallow peeps. Rob currently works at Caterpillar Logistics - meaning inevitably that he and Sterling sit around at family gatherings and talk about SAS.
Stewart BeckStew and Wes met in 2001 when they went to college at Illinois State University. They had quite a bit in common and had many of the same classes so they decided to room together after freshman year. They were roommates sophomore and junior year and became great friends. After graduation they went their separate ways until one summer Stew called Wesley and offered him a job up in Chicago. This allowed Wes to move to Chicago, where chance would have it, is where Sterling was planning to go to college. Stew and his wife recently had a baby and certainly have their hands full.
Susan KunihiroSusan and Sterling hated each other when they first met. Hatred is not hyperbole. You see, when they met in sixth grade orchestra, Sterling was first chair and Susan was second. Well, Susan was not too happy about being second chair so she would challenge Sterling for her chair every week, which led to the bad blood. However, due to Susan's persistence, Sterling was forced to practice and improve. To this day, Susan and Sterling continue to help motivate each other to get their work done … but now they are friends. Susan was recently accepted to med school at USF and has moved to Tampa to live her dream (of having no life, and becoming a doctor).