Heartfelt thanks to each and everyone for your presence in our lives. Lives are made of connections through the years and all of you have played a part in the unfolding of our lives up to this milestone event. Thank you. Although not exhaustive, we would especially like to thank the following individuals:
Our parents loved us into existence and spent years raising us; they deserve the biggest thank you of all.
Barb Snipes, thank you for the something borrowed/old!
Barb Twachtman, I had a wonderful time at the tea party and appreciate that you wanted to do that for me!
Beck Hutchinson, thank you for your art (her artwork is featured on the save the dates and invitations)!
Betsy Fulmer, I thank you for generously hosting a shower for me!
Caroline Kaufmann Twachtman for volunteering to be a greeter, making cute signs, helping at the shower, proving advice, and being an all around an awesome person.
DB Hough, thanks for all your work on the you-know-whats and your gemstone expertise!
Elizabeth Twachtman provided an unforgettable Kleinfeld of the South experience.
Emily Klehm, thank you for offering to host a shower in Illinois.
Eric Twachtman, thanks for marrying us! Ever since Q and U, I knew you would be there for the real thing!
Granny helped so much; she folded wedding favor boxes night after night, sorted through old buttons and brooches, and collected seeds for about a year! Thank you for all your hard (and creative) work!
Henry and Sharon Klehm collected pictures of weddings past.
Jackie Maass spent hours twirling together wires to assemble the bouquets; I had fun doing that together with you!
Katty Armental made us some yummy milohaja!
Killian and Doug Gilbert-Smith, thank you for being the keepers of the veil; what a special tradition we have!
Ms. Kim, for your help and patience with the 100 year old gown.
Linton Hutchinson, your work on the you-know-whats is meaningful and appreciated.
Marge Whittenbarger and Ruth Storm for organizing the Chatsworth reception; thanks for welcoming me into your family!
Nicole Davis provided useful advice!
Sandi and Pete Goldish donated a beautiful vintage brooch for the bouquet; you both will always be an important part of our lives!
Sharon Klehm, thank you for your mother's butterfly brooch. It means a lot.
Susan Kunihiro helped create the dreaded acorns and provided many pinterest ideas!